All music on this site has copyright. Listen and circulate  to your heart’s content as long as you are NOT profiting from James M LaRocque’s music. If you have a business proposition please contact James M LaRocque. He’d love to hear from you. Do good not evil.



Play Them All !



 Bone to Pick

A man with a big chip on his shoulder. Too big… maybe. Licks influenced by John Fogerty.


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Bone to Pick mp3

Breath and Fingers

Feel her breath and fingers on your skin. Does it make you feel alive? 



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Breath and Fingers mp3


A true story about a contaminated water supply in Battle Creek Michigan. Some people had to use public showers while the mess was cleaned up. 

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Just keep an open mind. Okay? Music inspired by  sounds of the 1960s.



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Doors mp3

Drive to the Wind the Ballad of Pecos Hank

An homage to the great cinematic classical composer Ennio Morricone. A modern take on the spaghetti western.

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Got a car, bigger than a house. Got a house, bigger than my car. How much stuff do you really need to be happy?

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I Don’t Know

A simple song about the 3 hardest words to say… I Don’t Know.

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Lullaby 27

Go to sleep kid. Lullabies are kind of creepy when you think about it. This tune features a Theremin to make it extra creepy. James M LaRocque built the Theremin from scratch based on an old magazine article written by Robert Moog (RIP)

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Lullaby 27 mp3


Mr. Mann

A song about taking a walk. That’s it. Try it.

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Mr. Mann

My New Car

Upbeat pop tune about the joy and escape provided by a new car.

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My New Car

Norman Finster

Norman did not like to say good by. Rock on Norman you figment of someone’s imagination. 

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Norman Finster

Nothing to Say

Just what the world needs… another fucking country ballad.  Anyone need a puppy? Call Tom or see him down at the local pub.


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Nothing to say mp3


An instrumental co-written with the esteemed producer James Sanger of Vibey studios   in France. Thanks James! I learned a lot.

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Primrose mp3

A Sense of Christmas

A short sentimental Christmas song that reminisces about the sights, smells and sounds of the holiday.

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A Sense of Christmas mp3

A Sense of Home

A short sentimental song about the joys of going home.


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 Stop the Dreams mp3

Stop the Dreams

A trippy dreamy tune with a 60s feel. Lots of vocals.


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Stop the Dreams

Tell Me Something New

A song about the crap one generation is leaving the next generation

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Tell Me Something New

Thinking of Me

Inspired by Elenore Rigby

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Thinking of Me mp3

This is the Life

A song about having fun and drinking beer. Nothing deep here. This would make a good beer commercial. 


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TV Love

Don’t ever get between a man and his TV… just don’t.

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TV Love mp3


Welcome to the Monkey House

Words based on a Kurt Vonnegut Jr short story of the same name.  Read a book people! 

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Working Stiff

Kind of a tribute to Les Paul. Recorded with  a squeaky clean guitar sound. Also a nod and wink to anyone that had a job or two that sucked.  



Download (mp3)

Working Stiff mp3

All music on this site has copyright. Listen and circulate  to your heart’s content as long as you are NOT profiting from James M LaRocque’s music. If you have a business proposition please contact James M LaRocque. He’d love to hear from you. Do good not evil.